2023/2024 Selected Story Titles and Author Names
[Note: When locating a story, please note the author name and state/country in addition to the story title, as we sometimes receive two stories with the same title.]
Stories to be published in The Grannie Annie’s 19th Collection (in a PDF and on this website)
“Achieving the Dream of a Lifetime” by Malachi Crooks; Missouri, USA
“A Call to Duty” by Mick Janish; Missouri, USA
“A Chilling Story” by Charles Enke; Missouri, USA
“The Closed Door of the Israel War” by Jonathan Michael Mark; New York, USA
“The Cowboys and Indians” by Eliza Rouse; North Carolina, USA
“A Defiant Act and a Life Saved” by Grace E. Farmakis; Missouri, USA
“Escaping Cuba” by James Adrian Manza; Colorado, USA
“Farm Cats” by Mackenzie Sasek; Missouri, USA
“The Hero That Did Not Want Recognition” by Caroline Clark; North Carolina, USA
“The Incredible Find” by Aiden Hunter; Missouri, USA
“Lady, the Hero” by Gemma Vanni; Ohio, USA
“The Metal Shofar” by Ezra Hillel Klein; New York, USA
“The Mouse-tronaut” by Levi Dill; Missouri, USA
“Never Lose Faith” by Garrett Hardy; Missouri, USA
“The Twister and the Two-Year-Old” by Phoebe Wenger-Stickel; Missouri, USA
“The Village Hospital” by Ma’lee Ochieng; Missouri, USA