The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines,
Submission Form, and Teacher Submission Form

If having your family story selected for publication by The Grannie Annie is one of your goals, you may want to consult the writer's guide available on the Resources page of this website. Stories are published on this website and in a free PDF.


Guidelines: Be sure to read The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines before you begin to write. Submissions must follow these guidelines in order to be considered for publication. Scroll down to read the guidelines; please click here if you wish to print a copy.

Submission Form: Every story submission must be accompanied by a completed Submission Form signed by the writer and by her/his parent or guardian. Scroll down to view the Submission Form; please click here to print a copy. Students in the U.S. must submit by mail; students outside the U.S. may submit signed, scanned forms by email. (Teachers outside the United States: Please refer to note below.)

Teacher Submission Form: Teachers who are submitting their students' stories must also complete and enclose one copy of the Teacher Submission Form. The information provided on this form will facilitate communication regarding students' submissions and recognition. Scroll down to view the form; please click here to print a copy.

Teachers outside the United States: Please see alternate insructions for your international submissions.


The Privacy Policy of The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration


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The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration, 2024/2025

The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines

For Students in U.S. Grades 4–8, and Homeschooled or International Students 9–14 Years of Age


Please click here to print Guidelines

You are invited to submit a story from an earlier generation of your family, following The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines. Your story — a story from before your birth — can be humorous, tragic, or inspirational. It can be a story of courage, adventure, or anything you find interesting about your family’s past.

Please read these submission details carefully before you begin to write:

• A story that is chosen for publication in The Grannie Annie's 20th collection of family stories will retell a story from your family’s history — a story from before your birth — so that the reader appreciates it in the same way you do. The following criteria will also be considered: overall effectiveness, organization, development, use of language, and mechanical correctness — spelling, punctuation, usage, etc.
• Your story must be 275–500 words long and must be submitted in English. For stories written in a language other than English, please submit the original story as well as the English translation. The translator of your story does not have to meet the grade/age requirements of The Grannie Annie.
• Choose an interesting title for your work, including details from your story. For example, “Lost in the Blizzard” sounds more exciting than “My Great-Uncle Ted.”
• Your story must be written by you.
• If possible, please type and double-space your story using a standard, easily readable 12-point font. U.S. students, please print your story one-sided, in black ink, on 8.5” x 11” white paper. Students outside the U.S., you may submit your story within an email or attached as a Word document. Stories may also be neatly hand-printed in ink on standard-size lined paper. Please do not staple or paper clip.
• Do not write your name on the pages of your story.
• Do not include a cover page. Please include your story's title on the first page of your story.
• Stories will not be returned. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.
• A completed Submission Form must accompany each story. Please do not staple or paper clip.
• Submissions must be mailed (for stories by U.S. students) or emailed (for stories by students outside the U.S.) on or before February 1, 2025. 
• All of the stories selected for publication on The Grannie Annie's website will also be available in a free PDF.
• Stories published by The Grannie Annie will not be considered for publication in future annual collections.
• The decisions of the selection committee are final.
• Because stories are meant to be shared, The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration pledges to creatively pursue opportunities to share selected stories with a wider audience, in accordance with The Grannie Annie Mission. As a published author, you will retain the copyright to your work while giving The Grannie Annie permission to share your story, as noted on the Submission Form:

REQUIRED: My child, _________________________________, wrote this story from our family’s history. I hereby authorize and permit The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration to publish or use my child’s name, this story (in whole or in part), and photographs of my child — solely in conjunction with The Grannie Annie, and in any form, including print, digital, and/or broadcast production. I understand that no payment will be made to me or my child for use of this story, or for use of photographs.

• Please read additional related information posted elsewhere on this website. 


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The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration, 2024/2025

The Grannie Annie Submission Form

For Students in U.S. Grades 4–8, and Homeschooled or International Students 9–14 Years of Age


Please click here to print Submission Form

Please read The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines to be sure your work is eligible. Students in the U.S. must submit by mail; students outside the U.S. may submit by email. Please see below for details. Use a separate Submission Form for each story submitted. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Do not include your name on your story. Please do not staple or paper clip anything. Stories will not be returned; keep a copy of your work.

Student's name as you would want it published: ________________________________

Student's grade level (U.S. students): ____

Student's age (homeschooled/international students): ______

Name and address of school: _______________________________________________


If the student did not write this story in English, in what language was it written? _______________________ (Be sure to submit both the student’s original story and an English translation.)

Relationship of student to main character in story: ______________________________

Title of story: ___________________________________ Word count: _____________

City, state or district (if any), and country where story took place: _________________

Year story took place: _______ Is year given approximate or exact? (Circle one)

Name(s) of parent(s)/guardian(s): __________________________________________

Mailing address:* ________________________________________________________

City: ______________________ State: ____ ZIP code: ________ Country: _________

Parent's email:* ____________________________ Telephone:* (___)_____________
*Your contact information will be used only for communication related to your submission.

REQUIRED AUTHORIZATION: My child, ____________________________________, wrote this story from our family’s history. I hereby authorize and permit The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration to publish or use my child’s name, this story (in whole or in part), and photographs of my child — solely in conjunction with The Grannie Annie's celebration of family stories, and in any form, including print, digital, and/or broadcast production. I understand that no payment will be made to me or my child for use of this story, or for use of photographs.


Parent/Guardian sign above and date (Required)

Student sign above and date (Required)                                      


Submission instructions for U.S. students. Submissions must be postmarked on or before February 1, 2025. Print, complete, sign, and mail Submission Forms along with stories to The Grannie Annie, P.O. Box 6094, Chesterfield, MO 63006.

Submission instructions for students outside the U.S. Story submission emails must be received on or before February 1, 2025. Scan signed Submission Form as a PDF and attach it to an email. Include your story within the email or attach it to the email as a Word document. Send to Please see alternate insructions for your international submissions.



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The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration, 2024/2025

Teacher Submission Form

For Students in U.S. Grades 4–8, and Homeschooled or International Students 9–14 Years of Age


Please click here to print Teacher Submission Form

Instructions for U.S. teachers. Please include one copy of this form in addition to students’ signed Submission Forms. Forms and stories should be mailed to The Grannie Annie, P.O. Box 6094, Chesterfield, MO 63006. Story submissions must be postmarked on or before February 1, 2025.

Instructions for teachers outside the U.S. Please include one copy of this form in addition to students’ signed and scanned Submission Forms. Story submission emails must be received on or before February 1, 2025. Please see alternate insructions for your international submissions.


Teacher's name: _________________________________________________________

Grade level/title: ___________________ Email: _______________________________

School name: ___________________________________________________________

School mailing address: ___________________________________________________

City: ____________________ State: _____ ZIP code: _________ Country: _________

Telephone: (___)_________ School / Home (Circle)

Check grade level(s) of submissions included: 4–5 ____ 6–8 ____

Number of submissions included: _____

Please indicate how many of your students participated in The Grannie Annie, including those students who only interviewed a family member. _______________ 


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