Collection 19


The Cowboys and Indians

c. 1951; Pink Hill, North Carolina, USA

Many families have funny stories that are passed from generation to generation. Almost all of my family’s stories are from my grandfather’s side of the family and involve him getting into some sort of trouble. My grandfather was a mischievous little boy, especially when it came to fire! Growing up in the 1950s, he always watched westerns on TV and played “cowboys and Indians,” which was his favorite pastime.

On this particular day my grandfather was around four years old and was staying with his babysitter, Ermalee, while his parents were at work and his older sister was at school. He was bored out of his mind, and he took his cowboy and Indian figurines to his bedroom. He was playing that the Indians had tied up his cowboy, Texas Pete, and they were going to burn him at the stake. My grandfather’s mom had just bought a brand-new bedspread that had beautiful fringe around the edge. My grandfather found the fringe useful for tying up Texas Pete. Then he lit a match to the fringe to burn Texas Pete at the stake! His bedspread was immediately engulfed in flames, and my grandfather stood motionless, not knowing what to do!

He finally ran to Ermalee and told her what had happened. Without thinking twice, she ran to his room, took his bedspread off his bed, put it in the bathtub, and turned on the water in attempt to get rid of the fire. The bedspread and sheets were ruined, and the mattress had a small burned spot.

When his mother got home and Ermalee told her what had happened, she said that my grandfather would have to tell his daddy what had happened. It seemed like it took forever for his daddy to come home, but finally he walked in the door.

My grandfather told his daddy what had happened, and his daddy immediately walked to the bedroom to inspect the damage. My grandfather had feared the spanking of his life, but this time he did not get a spanking. Instead he was made to go sit outside. It was winter — cold and very dark in his backyard. It seemed to my grandfather like he was out there for hours before his daddy finally came outside, sat next to him, and said, “This is how it would feel if we did not have a house. We would have to live outside. So, if you think we do not need this house, we can light it on fire. But if you think we need it, then you can come inside.” My grandfather got up, walked into the house, and apologized to everyone.

Although this story has gotten a chuckle from my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents numerous times in years past, my grandfather surely did not think it was very funny at the time. The punishment he received was way worse than any spanking he could have received, and he certainly learned his lesson! That had not been his first time playing with fire, but it certainly was his last.

Eliza Rouse; North Carolina, USA



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