Vol. 14


A Christmas Miracle

c. 1951; Vinita Park, Missouri, USA"A Christmas Miracle" illustration by Bella Patino: Through the window we see a partially opened package next to the Christmas tree

It was 1951, and my grandpa, four-year-old Edward Wiegert, sat on the couch in his home, located in the suburb of Vinita Park, Missouri. He was writing his wish list for “Santa” and knew exactly what it would contain: a red pedal-car fire truck, with a step on the back and two wooden ladders on the side. He’d seen it advertised in many toy stores, and to him it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen. But there was only one problem: “Santa” couldn’t afford it.

My grandpa and his family weren’t rich or poor; they were just a working family like most people at the time. They could afford many things — the fire truck, however, was not one of them. My grandpa’s parents pondered the dilemma but could come up with only one option that worked: They would have to buy something that would substitute for the fire truck. They visited a local store and bought a toy car that was a blue sedan. “It’s not the fire truck, but it’ll have to work,” they thought. Then they loaded the box into their car and drove off, unaware of the surprise that would come next.

The next morning, screams of joy and excitement filled my grandpa’s household. “It’s Christmas!” Ed and his siblings shouted. It was indeed Christmas, and the Wiegert boys ran down the stairs, eager to see if “Santa” had come and dropped off gifts. Their wishes were granted when they noticed the colorful array of red and green boxes under their lit-up tree, sparkling in the daylight. Then Ed’s parents arose and went downstairs to see what the commotion was about. They noticed the gifts and nominated Ed to go first.

Ed picked out his large, long present wrapped in red and examined the package. “What could it be?” he wondered. Anxious to see what was inside, Ed tore at the wrapping paper and started to open the cardboard box labeled “Blue Sedan.” Fortunately for Ed, he couldn’t read, so the contents remained unknown.

Then, with all the red paper strewn across the floor, he could see what the box held: the fire truck! He leaped up in the air and pumped his fists. “Yes!” he screamed. “I got it!”

His parents’ jaws dropped. How could this be? This wasn’t what they had gotten him! But somehow the fire truck— the gift that Ed had wanted — had ended up in the box after all. They were amazed and truly in awe. “What a miracle!” they thought. It wasn’t until a few years later that Ed discovered that there had been a mystery about his gift. However, he still truly believes that Santa used his magic to fulfill his wish.

To this day, my grandpa remembers this story fondly and has enjoyed proclaiming the tale to family and friends over the years. He believes this story truly symbolizes what “Christmas magic” means. He also believes it shows that God has little ways of expressing himself through miracles — and that anything is possible with Him by your side.

Avery Piñon; Missouri, USA

Illustrator: Bella Patino; Missouri, USA



This copyrighted story may be copied and/or printed for limited classroom or personal use. To reprint this story in an article about The Grannie Annie, please contact The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration for permission.


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